Business Systems
"Focused on your Future" is why Evolve created their Integrated Business System that combines strategies to overcome staffing issues, client issues, and profitability issues. The system can be customized to address these three major areas at the same time by establishing a cause an effect analysis within your individual salon. We look at the total picture and analyze how one decision affects a multitude of facets in the salon.
Three times a year we conduct business training seminars call Evolve which provide industry leading education on salon development and management. The speed of information and technology is changing at a rate of once a year, if you are doing business the way you were last year your strategies are out of date. That is why Evolve is so important to owners and managers because we take the new trends and leading business theories and teach you how to implement them in your salon.
Empower focuses on motivating, educating, and retaining the salon's staff through hands-on technical education along with career development instruction.
Evolve Salon Systems has developed programs and promotions through Encore that are designed to encourage the salon's clients to return more often and spend more money in the salon.
These three programs work together to create our Integrated Business System which will increase the salon's profitability and truly create wealth for the salon owner. We believe in order to have sustainable growth the salon needs to become the Employer of Choice, Provider of Choice, and Investment of Choice. This is what the Integrated Business System accomplishes.